Leiner's disease
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Syndrome characterised by desquamation (severe generalised seborrhoeic dermatitis), recurrent local and systemic infection, severe diarrhoea, marked wasting and central nervous system deficiency, and failure to thrive. It begins as seborrhoic eczematoid lesions of the scalp and face or the gluteal region, eventually spreading to other areas. Keratitis and corneal ulcers may occur. Due to complement C5 deficiency in infancy. Prevalent in infant females; rapid onset in 2nd to 4th month of life. Breast-fed infants are most frequently affected.
- C. Leiner:
Über Erythrodermia desquamativa, eine eigenartige universelle Dermatose der Brustkinder.
Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis, Berlin,, 1908, 89: 65-76, 163-189. Erythrodermia desquamativa (universal dermatitis of children at the breast).
British Journal of Children’s Diseases, 1908, 5: 244-251.