Faber's anaemia
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A form of aneamia caused by deficient intake, absorption, or metabolism of iron. It is characterized by small, pale-red erythrocytes, and associated with achlorhydria, glossalgia, koilonychia, pallor fatiguability, and premature graying of the hair. It was previously most commonly seen in women between 30 and 60 years of age as a complication of hemorrhagic disorders, seldom (4%) in men, frequently in low-income class. Obsolete term.
- K. H. Faber:
Achylia gastrica mit Anämie.
Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1909, 5: 1310-1312. Anämische Zustände bei der chronischen Achylia gastrica.
Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1913, 50: 958-962.
Original title in Danish: Om anæmiske Tilstande ved Achylia gastrica. - L. J. Witts:
Achlorhydria and anaemia.
Practitioner, London, 1930, 124: 348-357.