Baldwin's operation
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Also called opération de Mori (French). Baldwin in 1904 proposed the formation of an artificial vagina by means of intestinal transplantation.
- J. Baldwin:
The formation of an artificial vagina by intestinal transplantation.
Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, 1904, 40: 398-403. - M. Mori:
Scheidenbildung unter Benutzung einer verlagerten Dinndarmschlinge bei Uterus rudimentarius cure Vagine rudimentaria.
Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie, Leipzig, 1910, 34: 11. - G. Auber, T. Carbonara, L. di Bonito, and S. Patriarca:
Carcinoma of the neovagina following a Baldwin-Mori operation for congenital absence of the vagina.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1989, 10(1): 67-68. - F. Borruto and F. Ferraro:
Adenocarcinoma of a neovagina constructed according to the Baldwin-Mori technique.
European Journal of Gynaecologic Oncology, 1990, 11(5): 403-405.