Ahumada-del Castillo syndrome
Related people
- Anne P. Forbes
- Enrique Benjamin Del Castillo
- Fuller Albright
- Joaquín Argonz
- Johann Baptist Chiari
- Juan Carlos Ahumada Sotomayor
- Richard Julius Ernst Frommel
A disorder characterized by galactorrhea and amenorrhoea. Three types are reecognized:
Chiari-Frommel syndrome: persistent galactorrhoea and amenorrhea after giving birth.
Ahumada-Del Castillo syndrome: galactorrhoea-amenorrhoea not associated with pregnancy. There is oestrogen deficiency and decreased urinary gonadotropin levels.
Forbes-Albright syndrome: galactorrhea-amenorrhea caused by a chromophobe prolactin-producing adenoma of the pituitary
- J. Chiari, Karl Braun, Joseph Späth:
Klinik der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie. Erlangen, Enke, 1855. - R. Frommel:
Über puerperale Atrophie des Uterus.
Zeitschrift für Geburtshülfe und Frauenkrankheiten, Stuttgart, 1882, 7: 305-313. - J. C. Ahumada, E. B. del Castillo:
Sobre in caso de galactorrea y amenorrea.
Boletin de la Sociedad de obstetricia y ginecologia de Buenos Aires, 1932, 11: 64-72. - J. Argonz, E. B. Del Castillo:
A syndrome characterized by estrogenic insufficiency, galactorrhea and decreased urinary gonadotropin.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, Baltimore, 1953, 13: 79-87. - A. P. Forbes, P. H. Henneman, G. C. Griswold, F. Albright:
Syndrome characterized by galactorrhea, amenorrhea and low urinary FSH. Comparison with acromegaly and normal lactation.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Baltimore, 1954, 14: 265-271. - S. S. C. Yen:
Chronic anovulation.
In S. S. C. Yean and R. B. Jaffe, editors: Reproductive endocrinology. Physiology, pathophysiology and clinical management. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1978, pp. 297-372.