- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin

Born  1790
Died  1847

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French gynecologist and surgeon, born April 2, 1790, St. Paul, Loire; died May 13, 1847.

Biography of Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin

Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin began his surgical education i Lyon under Viricel (no information available), then went to Paris where he became an assistant to Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835), and obtained his medical degree in 1813. Following his promotion he was a short time active as an army surgeon - Médecin-adjoint, but in 1814 left the army, and from then on chiefly concerned himself with the improvement of surgical methods.

In 1826 two years after he had been habilitated he got his own department at L'Hôpital de la Pitié in Paris', and soon commenced teaching clinical medicine.

Lisfranc devised many new operations including removal of the rectum, lithotomy in women, and amputation of the cervix uteri. He concerned himself with operational treatments of fractures, surprisingly trying to use the stethoscope for diagnostical purposes. In 1815, with Champesme (no information available), he described a method for the exarticulation at the shoulder joint.

Despite his recognition as a teacher and surgeon he was not a popular person, his bellicose manners making any close friendships between him and his colleagues impossible.


  • Mémoire sur l’amputation dans l’articulation scapulo-humérale.
    With Champesme. Paris, 1815.
  • Mémoire sur l’amputation du pied dans son articulation tarso-métatarsienne; méthode précédée des nombreuses modifications qu’a subies celle de Chopart etc. 1815. Referring to François Chopart's (1743-1795) amputation, which is a disarticulation at the midtarsal joint.
  • Nouvelle méthode opératoire pour l'amputation partielle du pied dans son articulation taros-metatarsienne. Paris, Gabon, 1815.
  • Mémoire sur de nouvelles applications du stéthoscope de M. le prof. Laênnec. Suivi d’un mém. sur une nouvelle méthode de pratiquer la taille chez la femme . . . et d’un mém. sur un nouveau procédé pour l’amputation dans les articulations des phalanges.
    1823. German translation, Weimar, 1824. English by J. H. Alcock, London, 1827. Recommending the use of the stethoscope for diagnosing fracture! Not very successful, probably.
  • Nouvelles considérations sur la saignée. 1823.
  • Mémoire sur un nouveau procédé opératoire pour pratiquer l’amputation dans l’articulation coxo-fémorale. Archives générales de médecine, Paris. 1823.
  • Mémoire sur des méthodes et des procédés nouveaux pour pratiquer l’amputation dans l’articulation dans l’articulation scapulo-humérale.
    Archives générales de médecine, Paris, 1823.
  • An eadem contra varias urethrae coarcrationis species medela.
    Thesis for agrégé, 1824.
    French translation by J. B. Vésigné and J. B. Ricard, 1834; German, Leipzig, 1824.
  • Excision du rectum carcinomateux.
    Archives générales de médecine, Paris. 1830.
    Describing the exstirpatio recti and the amputation of the portio vaginalis uteri.
  • Mémoire sur l’excision de la partie inférieure du rectum devenu carcinomateux.
    Mémoires de l’Académie de médecine, 1833.
  • Des diverses méthodes et des différens procédés pour l'oblitération des artères dans le traitement des anévrysmes etc.
    Concours-thesis for the chair of Baron Alexis de Boyer (1757-1833) 1834.
  • Quelques recherches sur l’histoire chirurg. des anévrysmes, en réponse à M. Dezeimeris. [Jean Eugène Dezeimeris, 1799-1851]
  • Maladies de l'utérus, d'après les leçons cliniques. Paris 1836.
    This book on diseases of the uterus was prepared by one of his assistants, Jean Hippolyte Pauly (1806-1854). A comprehensive treatment of the subject, it includes many case histories from L'Hôpital de la Pitié in Paris where Lisfranc and Pauly practiced.
    German translation under the editorship of Friedrich Jacob Behrend (1803-1889), Leipzig, 1838. English by G. H. Lodge, Boston, 1839.
  • Clinique chirurgicale de l’hôpital de la Pitié.
    3 volumes, 1841-1843; German translation by G. Krupp, Leipzig, 1844.
  • Précis de médecine opératoire. 3 volumes, 1845-1847. German translation by Sigm. Frankenberg, Lieferung 1-4, Leipzig, 1846; 2nd volume 1st part, 1847. The work was never completed.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

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Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.