- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Louis Henri Vaquez

Born  1860
Died  1936

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French internist, born August 27, 1860, Paris; died 1936.

Biography of Louis Henri Vaquez

Louis Henri Vaquez was born in Paris and studied medicine in his native city, graduating M.D. in 1890. He became médecin des hôpitaux in 1895, professeur agrégé in 1898, and in 1918 was appointed professor of clinical medicine. That year he was elected a member of the Academy of Medicine.

Vaquez' most important work was on diseases of the blood and the vessels. His first investigations concerned haematological disorders, including the leukaemias, polycythaemia, haemolytic anaemias and the role and indications for splenectomy. Influenced by Pierre Charles Édouard Potain (1825-1901), he specialised in diseases of the heart, and rapidly became one of France's leading physicians. He described polycythaemia vera in 1892. William Osler published his classical description of the disorder in 1903 and at first thought it was a new clinical entity, but learnt of Vaquez' report and acknowledged his priority.

He was one of the first to recognise that Stokes-Adams attacks were related to interference to the bundle of His resulting in a discordant beating of the auricle vis-à-vis the ventricle. He introduced recording of the jugular venous pulse and the electrocardiogram to France, and pursued the work of Potain on hypertension.

Vaques was active both as an author and a journalist. He wrote a book on the cardiac arrhythmias in 1911 and another on cardiac disorders in 1920 and was the founder and editor of a journal on disorders of the heart, vessels and blood - Archives des maladies du coeur, vaissaux et du sang. His close friends included Joseph Jules François Félix Babinski (1857-1932), Georges-Fernand-Isidore Widal (1862-1929, and the poet André Rivoire.


  • Hygiène des maladies du cæur. Paris, 1899.
  • Précis de thérapeutique. Paris, 1907.
  • Les arythmies. Paris, J. Baillière, 1911.
  • Le cæur et l’aorte.
    With E. Bordet. Paris, 1913; 4th edition, 1928.
  • Le traitement des anémies. With Aubertin. Paris, 1914.
  • Radiologie des vaisseaux de la base du cæur.
  • With E. Bordet. Paris, 1920; 2nd edition, 1928.
  • Maladies du cæur. Paris, 1920; 2nd edition, 1928.
  • Médicaments et médications cardiaques. Paris, 1925.
  • Les troubles du rythme cardiaque.
    With Donzelot. Paris, 1926.

What is an eponym?

An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

What is Whonamedit?

Whonamedit.com is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.


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