- A dictionary of medical eponyms

Sauveur François Morand

Born  1697
Died  1773

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French surgeon, born April 2, 1697; died July 21, 1773.

Biography of Sauveur François Morand

Sauveur François Morand was the son of Jean Morand (1659-1726), chief surgeon at the Hôtel des Invalides in Paris, and the son-in-law of Georges Maréchal, First Surgeon to Louis XIV and then to Louis XV.

Morand learned surgery in Paris and in 1724 became demonstrator of surgery at Jardin du roi, in 1730 surgeon at the Charité, and soon thereafter surgeon to the chiefs of the French Guards.

Morand was a co-founder of the Académie de chirurgie and distinguished himself in his efforts to simplify surgery. He was a pioneer in urology and in 1729 was assigned by the Académie des sciences in Paris to visit William Cheselden (1688-1752) in London. He spent the spring of 1729 at the St. Thomas's Hospital in London and there learned Cheselden's new method for stone cut, the lateral perineal lithotomy, a method, in which the bladder is filled with water.

Morand described the dangers of the operation for stone in his time: of 812 patients who were operated upon in the Hôtel-Dieu at the Charité, 255 died. Of the 557 surviving patients many were released with a fistula.

He is said to have been the first to device the Trendelenburg position,

His son, Jean François-Clément (1726-1784) taught anatomy and obstetrics at the school of midwifery and was a member of the Academy of Sciences.

We thank Patrick Jucker-Kupper, Switzerland, for information submitted.


  • Traitè de la taille au haut appareil avec une lettre de M. Winslow sur la même matière. Paris, Cavelier, 1728.
  • Réfutation d'un passage du traité des operations de chirurgie. 1739.
  • Discours dans lequel on prouve qu'il est nécessaire au chirurgien d'être lettre. 1743.
  • Receuil d'expériences et d'observations sur la pierre.
    Written with François Brémond (1713-1742). 2 volumes, 1743.
  • Sur un enfant auquel il manquoit les deux clavicules, le sternum et les cartilages, qui dans l'état naturel l'attachent aux côtes.
    Histoire de l'Académie Royale des sciences, Paris, (1760), 1766: 47-48.
    First description of cleido-cranial dysostosis.
  • Sur un moyen d’arrêter le sang des artères sans le secours de la ligature.
    Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Chirurgie, 1743-1774).
  • Opuscules de chirurgie. 2 volumes. 1768, 1772.
    German edition by Ernst Platner (1744-1818), Leipzig, 1776.
    Part 1, Paris, G. Desprez et P. A. Le Prieur, 1768. Record (p. 161) a successful operation for temporo-sphenoidal abscess, 1752. The patient, a monk, had otorrhoea followed by a mastoid abscess, which Morand opened.
  • Johann Christian Ferdinand Hoefer (1811-1878):
    Nouvelle biographie générale: depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et l'indication des sources à consulter.
    Paris: Firmin Didot, 1852-1866. 46 tomes.

  • August Hirsch (1817-1894), publisher:
    Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte aller Zeiten und Völker.
    2nd edition. Berlin, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1929.
    First published in 6 volumes 1884-1888. 3rd edition, München 1962.

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An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.

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